
Course Description

A review of common and important oral soft tissue and bony lesions that the dental hygienist or dental assistant may encounter in the dental office.

This promises to be a fun day of participative learning, networking and interacting with one of most popular continuing dental education lecturers ever hosted at Loma Linda University. 

Come join your colleagues, friends and classmates for a lecture by Dr. Lane Thomsen, who agreed to return to Loma Linda University one last time. In his semi-retirement, Dr. Thomsen has been woodturning beautiful pieces of art that he will contribute to participants engaged in the program.

Approximately 10% of all dental patients have some type of oral lesion. It is important that the dental hygienist or dental assistant recognize the characteristics that differentiate a benign lesion from a more serious condition. Emphasis will be placed on recognizing the clinical and radiographic features most helpful in differentiating one lesion from another. Current treatment of these lesions will also be discussed.

Dr. Thomsen will show a variety of common and important lesions and the course participants will work in teams to perform differential diagnoses of these oral lesions.

Learner Outcomes

The learning objective of this course is to provide the practical information needed to recognize oral lesions in the dental office, including how to:

  • Differentiate between the lumps and bumps seen in the oral cavity
  • Recognize the important white and red lesions in the oral cavity
  • Differentiate between aphthous and herpes lesions
  • Recognize the characteristics of oral lichen planus
  • Recognize which pigmented lesions the dental hygienist should be concerned with
  • Develop a differential of ulcerative and blistering conditions
  • Identify early signs of oral cancer
  • Discuss the human papillomavirus as it relates to oropharyngeal cancer
  • Review the most common features of benign and malignant salivary gland tumors
  • Recognize the most common and important radiographic features of bony lesions.


This promises to be a fun day of participative learning, networking and interacting with one of most popular continuing dental education lecturers ever hosted at Loma Linda University.

Come join your colleagues, friends and classmates for a lecture by Dr. Lane Thomsen, who agreed to return to Loma Linda University one last time. In his semi-retirement, Dr. Thomsen has been woodturning beautiful pieces of art that he will contribute to participants engaged in the program.


Contact Us

Continuing Dental Education
11245 Anderson Street, Suite 120
Loma Linda, CA  92354



Accrediting Associations

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